November 26, 2008
This morning’s mission was to get to the laundry before everyone else. I sent Al over at 7am to do four loads and shockingly it worked. He was able to do all four at once at the ma
rina and was done it record time, two hours.
While he did that job, my job was to make an apple pie for the Thanksgiving feast. Yes, I baked an apple pie on the boat and it turned out surprisingly well.
After lunch we took the bikes ashore rode all around the beach area which tired us enough to lead to a quiet night on board.

Thursday, November 27, 2008 (Thanksgiving Day)
“Over the river and through the woods” to the community center in the park we went by way of dinghy bringing our contribution for the potluck cruiser's Thanksgiving dinner. I had the apple pie, b
ut I also made mashed potatoes and gravy because there was a plea on the notice at the cruisers lounge.
Take 75 great cooks, add 75 significant others and some children, add beautiful, sunny 70 degree weather plus cruiser camaraderie and you have on fantastic Thanksgiving meal. I must admit I had a twinge of missing family, but knowing I will be home for Christmas h
elped. I also must admit, I did not miss making the entire meal myself!
This morning’s mission was to get to the laundry before everyone else. I sent Al over at 7am to do four loads and shockingly it worked. He was able to do all four at once at the ma

While he did that job, my job was to make an apple pie for the Thanksgiving feast. Yes, I baked an apple pie on the boat and it turned out surprisingly well.
After lunch we took the bikes ashore rode all around the beach area which tired us enough to lead to a quiet night on board.

Thursday, November 27, 2008 (Thanksgiving Day)
“Over the river and through the woods” to the community center in the park we went by way of dinghy bringing our contribution for the potluck cruiser's Thanksgiving dinner. I had the apple pie, b

Take 75 great cooks, add 75 significant others and some children, add beautiful, sunny 70 degree weather plus cruiser camaraderie and you have on fantastic Thanksgiving meal. I must admit I had a twinge of missing family, but knowing I will be home for Christmas h

Afterwards we biked to work off some off that turkey dinner. Later we enjoyed an evening of solving the world’s problems with the parents on Bird on a Wire, Gotta Life and another couple from Miakoda who also had two daughters. The girls chose to do something a little less intense which was beautifying each other with new hairdos. I think I should have been down below; I could use a new hairdo about now!

Friday, November 28, 2008
Bird on a Wire and Gotta Life left this morning to head south. Bird on a Wire is heading through Lake Okeechobee to the west coast for the holidays (They are lucky because their mast is low enough to get under the bridge which ours is not), while Gotta Life will be heading to the Bahamas soon. We will miss the activity being all alone on the mooring.
We spent the morning doing a simple task of getting a prescription filled. It took the better part of the morning to ride the bus to CVS. We had to transfer buses but it also gave us the opportunity to go to the small farmer’s market in the park where the transfer station is located. We got some good reasonable vegetables.
After lunch I went to the beach to enjoy the sound of the surf and warmth of the sun. It was nice to just sit and read and relax as well as walking the beach. Al stayed back at the boat to putter around. Another couple stopped by to invite us to go to happy hour at the Riverside Café which we did and ended up staying for a light dinner.

Friday, November 28, 2008
Bird on a Wire and Gotta Life left this morning to head south. Bird on a Wire is heading through Lake Okeechobee to the west coast for the holidays (They are lucky because their mast is low enough to get under the bridge which ours is not), while Gotta Life will be heading to the Bahamas soon. We will miss the activity being all alone on the mooring.
We spent the morning doing a simple task of getting a prescription filled. It took the better part of the morning to ride the bus to CVS. We had to transfer buses but it also gave us the opportunity to go to the small farmer’s market in the park where the transfer station is located. We got some good reasonable vegetables.
After lunch I went to the beach to enjoy the sound of the surf and warmth of the sun. It was nice to just sit and read and relax as well as walking the beach. Al stayed back at the boat to putter around. Another couple stopped by to invite us to go to happy hour at the Riverside Café which we did and ended up staying for a light dinner.
This is the way we end our days in Vero Beach with beautiful sunsets. What a life!
We have alot for which to be thankful.